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Light. Scent. Energy.

Seeds and Peace crystal grids activate both new beginings and safety

Thoughts really do become things.

Plans. Relationships. Wellness. At Subterra, we simply help you amplify your intentions into higher levels of your own joy—your own healing, love and power.

Each candle we create is uniquely handcrafted.  Each is infused with personalized combinations of powerful crystals, essential oils, color therapy and spiritual connection. You chose what you most want to attract and grow.

I can’t believe how beautiful these candles are!
Each one is a masterpiece!
— Sheila Donnan

For you or someone you love.


From the moment you first unbox your beautifully packaged candle, your colorful, distinctive crystals are already at work. Take a whiff of your uplifting mix of aromas and start your journey.

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Gift sets include an elegant white pine box, matching wick trimmer + snuffer set, wooden lid, selenite clearing crystals, crystal guide and more.

Please inquire about our unique candle parties too.


Everyone needs a spiritual dimension in life.


Without it, daily difficulties become overwhelming. Breathing, walking, concentration, understanding, and meditation help greatly in dealing with emotions, help embrace suffering, and even help recognize another person's suffering. The goal is a real and lasting spiritual intimacy with ourselves and others.

Thich Nhat Hanh
